Faculty of International Studies and Regional Development

The faculty of ISRD aims to nurture graduates who can be active internationally while at the same time playing a central role in regional development through a high level of expertise. In their first year, students focus on building a foundation for English proficiency, knowledge of local and international affairs, and area studies. From their second year onward, students study in one of three specialized courses that are intimately interrelated. Each of these courses provides specialized knowledge and viewpoints that are indispensable for the development of a diverse and sustainable society.

The characteristics of the ISRD department are as follows.

1. Combined study of humanities and social sciences

The ISRD department offers over 300 diverse subjects centered on language education, humanities, international relations, and area studies. Based on the interdisciplinary learning, the department offers problem-solving seminar subjects that address various issues of modern society, such as multicultural coexistence and conflict resolution.

After laying the foundation for specialized education through university-wide common basic subjects, from the second year onwards, the department provides three mutually linked programs (International Relations, Cross-Cultural Studies, Language and Culture Studies of Russia, China and Korea). While studying systematically in each program, students can select modules that are composed of more subdivided groups of specialized subjects to proceed with their studies.

2. From “learning English” to “learning in English” / Distinctive English education program

The University of Niigata Prefecture offers a university-wide ACE (Academic Communicative English) program for learning English in an intensive, practical, and systematic manner. Our English classes are taught be a professional team of 18 teachers from Japan and 7 other countries. In the ACE program, we aim not only to improve the four skills of English, but also to acquire academic literacy skills in English.
In the ISRD Department, communicative classes that focus on English as an academic language are the first step. CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) courses are added later on ACE courses to improve practical English skills and give students a chance to use English in an academic context. And specialized courses taught in English are offered for students who want to step up to the next level.

In addition, the department provides an English training programs where students can study at a university in the United States or Canada for 3 to 5 weeks, a field study program, and a study abroad and exchange program in English-speaking countries.

3. Learn the languages and cultures of Russia, China, and South Korea / Aim for plurilingualism

The ISRD department has full-time staff, including native-speaking teachers who specialize in the languages and cultures of Russia, South Korea, and China, and offers a rich curriculum for learning the languages and cultures of the three countries. In particular, in the Russian-Chinese-Korean program, students can study one of the three languages with an intensive, specialized curriculum of 6 classes per week, comparable to that of a foreign language university. Students in other courses can also learn Russian, Chinese, and Korean languages from two classes a week by linking them to their specialized fields of study.

We have training programs for learning Russian, Chinese, and Korean at local educational institutions, as well as study abroad and exchange programs at partner universities in Russia, China, and South Korea. International students from these countries are also studying at our university through exchange programs. Interacting with and supporting international students is an important learning opportunity for our students.


International Relations
Learn the theoretical framework of international relations and tackle global issues using practical English skills.

Cross-Cultural Studies
Take on the challenge of acquiring advanced English proficiency, learn various perspectives on language, culture, and society, and tackle the challenges of a multicultural society.

Language and Culture Studies (Russian, Chinese, Korean)
While specializing in the language and culture of Russia, China, and South Korea, cultivate the ability to understand different cultures and build bridges between cultures in the region and neighboring countries.

Program Introduction

International Relations
Main fields of study:

  • War and peace
  • Poverty and development
  • Global governance and regional integration
  • International law of human rights

The program provides subjects focusing on the theoretical framework of international relations, problem-solving exercises, and fieldwork. Students are equipped with knowledge and skills to tackle international and regional issues in the world and the Asian region. There are also a wide range of courses in which specialized subjects are taught in English.

Cross-Cultural Studies
Main fields of study:

  • Language and society
  • History and literature
  • Postcolonial studies
  • Multiculturalism
  • Gender and minorities
  • Media literacy

The program provides various perspectives on language, culture, and society, and work on the challenges of a multicultural society. The course offers a curriculum that allows students to acquire advanced English proficiency and a series of lectures and exercises that allow students to learn about regional culture, mainly English-speaking countries, from a comparative cultural perspective. The course also provides a comprehensive curriculum in the field of language education centered on English education. There are also a wide range of courses in which specialized subjects are taught in English.

Language and Culture Studies (Russian, Chinese, Korean)
Main fields of study:

  • Languages of Russia, China, and Korea
  • East Asian society and culture
  • International exchange in East Asia
  • Development of the Pan-Japan Sea region
  • History of exchanges with neighboring countries

The program provides a comprehensive curriculum specializing in the languages and cultures of Russia, China, and Korea. The course helps students develop cross-cultural understanding and the ability to build bridges between local and neighboring cultures. The intensive language curriculum includes classes taught by native-speaking teachers from Russia, China, and South Korea, and a series of courses to deepen the understanding of the culture, history, and society of each region. The language training programs at partner universities in Russia, China, and South Korea allows students to advance their language skills and the understanding of East Asian cultures.