Campus Guide

Cafeteria (Palette)
Situated in a glass-walled building, the cafeteria (Palette) has a bright and open atmosphere with a lively pop colour scheme on the first floor. The second floor was designed as a place for relaxation. The facility gives students a space for rest and relaxation. The menu mainly sells noodles, bowls, and curry rice.
University Cooperative
The cooperative sells publications, stationery, and food items. Students can also apply here for driving school admission and various types of qualification examinations.
Building No. 1A
Entrance Hall, Lecture Rooms, Seminar Rooms, Computer Room, CALL Classroom, Library
The striking dome-shaped reading room is a calm and relaxed space created with special attention given to the design and color scheme. The library collection includes approximately 120,000 volumes, of which about 20,000 are foreign language publications, with an extensive selection in Russian, Chinese, and Korean as well as English. Students can search the library’s collection from computer terminals in the library and also from outside the university via the Internet and mobile phones. A database of newspaper articles and Japanese and foreign-language magazines can be used from personal computers in the library.
Computer Room
Students can work on improving their information processing skills in an easy-to-use network environment. The room is used for classes in information literacy, and introduction to network presentation skills, etc.
Building No. 1B
Lecture Rooms, Seminar Rooms, SALC, CALL Classrooms, Self-Study Room, Career Support Center
Self Access Learning Center (SALC)
The Self Access Learning Center (SALC) is a language study support facility for all students. Japanese staff members proficient in English are stationed in the center, and in addition to providing support for English study, they plan and hold a variety of events in which students use English. There are also a rich variety of foreign language (English, Russian, Chinese, and Korean) self-study resources (CDs, DVDs, foreign magazines, qualification examination study materials, etc.) on hand. Both individual and group studies are possible, and educational materials can be borrowed for self-study use.
CALL Classrooms
These classrooms contain a wide variety of multimedia resources for foreign language learning. Computers equipped with microphone-enabled headsets allow students to converse in a foreign language (English, Russian, Chinese, and Korean) while checking their own pronunciation and accent.
Self-Study Room
The room is partitioned one by one and provides the calm environment in which students can concentrate on their study.
Career Support Center
This center supports student job-search efforts by providing employment information and materials, by holding various types of seminars and guidance activities, and by offering consultation with students on an individual basis.
Graduate School Building
Hall, Common Study Room, Lecture Room, Seminar Room

Building No. 2
Lecture Rooms, Laboratories, Training Center, Seminar Rooms
Commons Building No. 3
Olive Square, Lecture Rooms, Seminar Rooms, Library, Art Lecture Room, Art Workshop Room, Piano Practice Room, Music Room
Student lounge “Olive Square”
The student lounge facing the exchange plaza in Commons Building No. 3 is a space with a sense of openness, with an atrium between the first and second floors. From the “wisdom” and “richness” represented by the olive, the name “Olive Square” was named with the hope that the students will grow as human resources with “deep intelligence” and “rich humanity.”
The library in Commons Building No. 3 has a learning commons, including a group study space, to support students’ independent learning. In addition to the reading seats, display racks are installed in the corridor that connects to the library in Building No.1A to enhance the function of conveying information, such as through special exhibitions.
Piano Practice Room, Music Room
Each piano classroom is equipped with a piano that can be used for individual practice.