Project Research
Investigation and research on issues related to the economy, industry, and local community of Niigata, which is developing while coexisting with the Asia-Pacific region including Northeast Asia and Eurasia
Supply Chains in Northeast Asia under the US-China Conflict and Russia-Ukraine War
- Chief Researcher
- Professor NAKAJIMA Tomoyoshi
- Co-Researchers
- KIM Bong-Gil (Visiting Professor, Global Research Centre for Advanced Sustainability Science, University of Toyama), KUNO Arata (Professor, Faculty of International Relations, Asia University), Kumagai Satoru (Director, Economic Geography Studies Group, Inter-Dicisciplinary Study Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)), KUROIWA Ikuo (Professor, Faculty of International Economic Studies, UNP), GOKAN Toshitaka (Reserch Fellow, Economic Geography Studies Group, Inter-Dicisciplinary Study Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)), HATAKEYAMA Kyoko (Professor, Faculty of International Studies and Regional Development, UNP)
- Research period
- 2023-2025
Japanese Companies Expanding Overseas and Changes in Supply Chains
- Chief Researcher
- Associate Professor LI Chunxia
- Co-Researchers
- OHASHI Hideo (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Senshu University)
- Research period
- 2023-2025
The Position and Future Prospects of the Port of Busan in Container Logistics in Northeast Asia
- Chief Researcher
- Professor ARAI Hirofumi
- Co-Researchers
- Choi, Na Young Hwan (Head, Intenational Logistics Analysis and Support Center, Korea Maritime Institute (KMI))
- Research period
- 2023-2025
Climate Change and SDGs
- Chief Researcher
- Professor Shagdar Enkhbayar
- Co-Researchers
- ALTANBAGANA Myagmarsuren (Director, Division of Social-Economic Geography, Institute of Geography and Geo-ecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences), SAFONOV Georgy (Principal Scientist, European Forest Institute), MIMURA Mitsuhiro (Professor, ERINA-UNP)
- Research period
- 2023-2025
Possibilities of International Cooperation to Achieve SDGs in Northeast Asia
- Chief Researcher
- Professor MIMURA Mitsuhiro
- Co-Researchers
- Yoo, Kyung Eui (SD Korea Forum), Lim, Kang Taeg (SD Korea Forum), Zhang Dongming (Institute of Northeast Asian Studies, Liaoning Universtiy), LI Hongmei (Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University), ZAKHAROVA LIUDMILA (Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences), ARTEM Lukin (Far Eastern Federal University), PAK JaeHun (KOREA MEDIA Corp.), KIM Mina (Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korean Peninsula and East Asia Research Center), Dorjsuren Nanjin (Mongolian Institute of Northeast Asian Security and Strategy (MINASS)), Shagdar Enkhbayar (Professor, ERINA-UNP)
- Research period
- 2023-2025
Analysis of Management Behavior and Productivity of Agricultural Corporations in Japan: Through Comparison with the US and China
- Chief Researcher
- Associate Professor DONG Qi
- Co-Researchers
- MARTIN Will (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)), YAMADA Nanae (Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)), ARAI Hirofumi (Professor, ERINA-UNP)
- Research period
- 2023-2025