This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

Japan–Russia Energy and Environment Dialogue in Niigata

“Appeal for the Strengthening of Cooperation between Japan and Russia on Energy and the Environment (‘The Niigata Appeal on Energy and the Environment’)” (in Russian)  [110KB]


17 November (Mon) 13:00 – 13:10

MORI, Kunio Vice Governor of Niigata Prefecture
SHINODA, Akira Mayor of Niigata

Keynote Address

17 November (Mon) 13:10 – 14:30

K-1 TOICHI, Tsutomu The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan PDF
K-2 SAENKO, Vladimir State Institute of Energy Strategy PDF
K-3 KANEHARA, Nobukatsu Ministry of Foreign Affairs
K-4 KOJIMA, Noriaki Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry PDF

Session 1

17 November (Mon) 13:15 – 17:30

S1-1 HOSAKA, Shin Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry PDF
S1-2 SANEEV, Boris Russian Academy of Sciences PDF
S1-3 TSUKADA, Tamaki Ministry of Foreign Affairs PDF
S1-4 TOGO, Takehiro Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute
S1-5 KALASHINIKOV, Victor Russian Academy of Sciences
S1-6 LEE, Sung-kyu Korea Energy Economics Institute PDF
S1-7 LI, Zhidong Nagaoka University of Technology

Session 2

18 November (Tue) 9:00 – 12:30

S2-1 MOTOMURA, Masumi Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) PDF
S2-3 NISHIUMI, Tetsuo Mitsubishi Corporation
S2-4 HIRAISHI, Kazuaki Asian Pipeline Research Society of Japan PDF
S2-6 ZAROVNYAEV, Iakov Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
S2-7 TAKAHASHI, Kazuyuki Sumitomo Corporation
S2-8 NISHIHARA, Shigeru Sojitz Corporation PDF
S2-9 IWAMI, Masashi Tohoku Electric Power Company
S2-10 PRISHCHEPOV, Igor Commercial Port of Posjet PDF

Session 3

18 November (Tue) 14:00 – 15:20

S3-1 ISHIWADA, Akira Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company PDF
S3-2 NORISUGI, Yoichi Nippon GTL Technology Research Association
S3-3 KLIMENTYEV, Alexander East Siberian Gas Processing Company PDF
S3-4 HARADA, Michiaki Japan Coal Energy Center PDF
S3-5 UNO, Hiroshi Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute PDF
S3-6 SIMONENOK, Vladimir Primorsky Territory Government PDF

Conference Conclusion

18 November (Tue) 15:20 – 15:30

YOSHIDA, Susumu Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA)