This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

Round 2: Electricity Generation, Energy Conservation, and the Environment

30 January 2019 (Wednesday) 15:45–17:30


  • COP 24 and Northeast Asia

SAFONOV Georgy, Director, Centre for Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Paris Agreement and Northeast Asia region

  • Northeast Asia’s Electricity Networks and International Cooperation

LIU Hongpeng, Director, Energy Division, UNESCAP

North-East Asia Power Interconnection and Cooperation

  • Russia’s Electric Power and Energy Conservation Policy

ZHDANOVICH Dmitry, Deputy Trade Representative, The Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Japan

  • Trends in Japan’s Cooperation

YAJIMA Hiroki, Head, International Affairs Department, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

NEDO’s Contribution to Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation between Japan and Russia

  • The Initiatives of Niigata Prefecture

WAKUTSU Hideyuki, Head, Industrial Establishment Division, Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, Niigata Prefecture

Niigata Prefecture’s Efforts in the Renewable and Next-generation Energy Sector


ENKHBAYAR Shagdar, Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, ERINA