This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

2009 Japan–Russia Energy and Environment Dialogue in Niigata

10 November (Tue.) Seminar day to deepen understanding of the situation


13:30 – 13:50

IZUMIDA, Hirohiko Governor of Niigata Prefecture
SHINODA, Akira Mayor of Niigata
LEVINTAL, Alexander Deputy Plenipotentiary Presidential Representative to the Far Eastern Federal District
BELY, Mikhail Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Japan

Keynote Address
Bilateral Cooperation
“The Prospects for Japan–Russia Energy Cooperation”

13:50 – 15:10

K-1 MURANAGA, Yuji Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) PDF
K-2 YAMAMURA, Yoshihiro Senior Coordinator / Director, Japan-Russia Exchange Program Division, Russian Division, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
K-3 SAENKO, Vladimir Deputy General Director, Institute of Energy Strategy, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation PDF
K-4 KOYAMA, Ken Director, Strategy and Industry Research Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) PDF

1st Session
Regional Development Cooperation
“Energy Development in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia”

15:30 – 18:00

MAEDA, Tadashi Head, Corporate Planning Department, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Japan Finance Corporation (JFC) PDF

Topic 1: The Recent Situation of the ESPO and the Construction of the Primorye Oil-Refining Base

S1-2 IVANOV, Vladimir Deputy Chief Representative, Asia-Pacific Region Representative Office, Rosneft

Topic 2: The Movements in Eastern Siberia–Sakhalin Gas Development

S1-3 MASTEPANOV, Alexey Advisor to the Deputy Chairman, Gazprom PDF
S1-4 SASAKI, Takashi Deputy General Manager, Fuels Department, Thermal and Nuclear Power Division, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

Topic 3: Development of Coal in the Russian Far East

S1-5 BELOVA, Anna Deputy Director General and Strategy and Corporate Development Director, Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) PDF
S1-6 SOKOLOV, Dmitry Director, Representative Office in the Republic of Korea, Mechel PDF
S1-7 TAKAHASHI, Kazuyuki KGeneral Manager, Coal Department, Sumitomo Corporation PDF
S1-8 TAKEMURA, Yutaka Vice President of Mineral Resources, Energy and Metal Division, Sojitz Corporation PDF

11 November (Wed.) Workshop day to further mutual cooperation

2nd Session
“The State of Japan–Russia Development of Technology related to the Development of Methane Hydrate Resources”

9:00 – 12:00

Chaired by: TAKAGI, Yu International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)
S2-1 OHNO, Kenji Deputy Director, Oil and Gas Upstream Technology Unit, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) PDF
S2-2 MATVEEVA, Tatyana Laboratory for Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources (Oil and Gas of the Arctic and World Oceans), All-Russian Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation PDF
S2-3 OBZHIROV, Anatoly Chief of the Laboratory of Gas Geochemistry, Pacific Oceanological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences PDF
S2-4 KHLYSTOV, Oleg Head of the Lake Baikal Geological Group, Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences PDF
S2-5 NISHIO, Shin’ya ISenior Researcher, Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation PDF
S2-6 TANAKA, Hiroyuki Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University PDF

3rd Session
Interregional Exchange
“Regional Society and Energy”

13:30 – 16:00

Chair: ABE, Susumu Advisor, Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan

Keynote Presentation 1: Japan’s Energy-Conservation and Renewable-Energy Sector Policies

S3-1 MASUYAMA, Toshikazu Director, Policy Planning Division, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI PDF

Keynote Presentation 2: The Outlook for Efficient Use of Energy and Energy Conservation in Russia

S3-2 OGNEV, Alexander Deputy Director of the Far Eastern branch office of INTER RAO UES PDF
SANEEV, Boris Deputy Director, Energy Systems Institute (ESI), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Keynote Presentation 3: Niigata Prefectural Initiatives toward a Low-Carbon Society

S3-3 YASUI, Akira Consultant, Niigata Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism PDF
S3-4 YOKOTA, Yuji Industrial Creation Group Manager, Niigata Industrial Creation Organization (NICO) PDF

Case Report 1: The Spread of Dispersed Power Sources

S3-5 KOROVKO, Pavel Director of the Far Eastern Branch of the Energy Forecasting Agency (EFA) PDF

Case Report 2: The Construction of a Natural-Gas Society

S3-6 SIMONENOK, Vladimir Head of Regional Production Division, Vladivostok, Gazprom Invest Vostok PDF
S3-7 SVETLOV, Igor Director of the Center for Strategic Research on the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Far East
S3-8 SHIMIZU, Seita Deputy Manager, Corporate Planning Department, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. PDF
S3-9 NOMURA, Kazuo Senior Coordinator, Construction and Maintenance Unit, Domestic Project Division, and Naoetsu LNG Receiving Terminal Construction Office, LNG Receiving Terminal Construction Division, INPEX Corporation PDF

Conference Conclusion

15:20 – 15:30

YOSHIDA, Susumu Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA)