This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

Session A: Changes in the Situation on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Cooperation

29 January 2019 (Tuesday) 13:30–17:45


  • Changes in the situation on the Korean Peninsula and each country’s perspective

MIMURA Mitsuhiro, Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, ERINA

Recent changes in the DPRK and Northeast Asia

Recent changes in the DPRK and Northeast Asia (PPT) [in Japanese only]

LI Shenghua, Department Chair and Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade, School of Economics and Adminstration, Yanbinan University

Recent Trends in Economic Development in the DPRK and Chinese Policy towards Northeast Asia

Recent Trends in Economic Development in the DPRK and Chinese Policy towards Northeast Asia (PPT) [in Japanese only]

VORONTSOV Aleksandr, Head, Korean and Mongolian Studies Department, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Changes in the situation of the Korean Peninsula and Russian policy towards Northeast Asia

Changes in the situation of the Korean Peninsula and Russian policy towards Northeast Asia (PPT)

MIYAMOTO Satoru, Professor, Political Science & Economics Department, Fuculty of Political Science & Economics, Seigakuin University

The Current Situation and Future Prospects for Japan’s Northeast Asia Policy vis-à-vis the Changes in the Situation on the Korean Peninsula

The Current Situation and Future Prospects for Japan’s Northeast Asia Policy vis-à-vis the Changes in the Situation on the Korean Peninsula (PPT) [in Japanese only]

JO Dongho, President, Institute for National Security and Strategy (INSS), ROK

  • Changes in the situation on the Korean Peninsula and energy and transportation

RYU Ji-chul, Director, Future Energy Strategy Research Cooperative

Prospects for Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia

Prospects for Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia (PPT)

JIN Jang-Won, Dean, Graduate School of Transportation, Korea National University of Transportation

The Possibility and Prospects of the Northeast Asian Railway Community

The Possibility and Prospects of the Northeast Asian Railway Economic Community (PPT)


 KAWAI Masahiro, Representative Director, ERINA