This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

Day 2 : Northeast Asian Regional Economic Cooperation-Looking toward the future

Program Day2 (18 February 2022)
“Northeast Asian Regional Economic Cooperation―Looking Toward the Future”
Opening Addresses
The 3rd Future Leaders Program
(10:35-12:00) Presentation Contest for University and Graduate                                     Students                                                                                              -Future Scenario of Northeast Asia-
(12:00-13:30) Lunch Break
(13:30-14:00) Award Ceremony
Special Address
“Toward Carbon Neutrality―Status Quo and Challenges”
Vice President and Professor, Graduate School of International Management, International University of Japan* Vice President, Professor, Graduate School of International Management, International University of Japan
* Professor Emeritus of University of Tokyo (incumbent)
* Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University (incumbent)
* Temporary Member of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry) (incumbent)
* Ph.D. in Economics

Toward Carbon Neutrality―Status Quo and Challenges [in Japanese]

Japan-Russia Energy and Environment Dialogue
“Toward a Carbon-Neutral Society―Think Globally and Act Locally”
As a response to climate change, the movement toward the realization of a carbon-neutral society is accelerating, and diverse efforts are being made at international, national, and regional levels. Governor Hanazumi has announced that Niigata Prefecture will aim for virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In Russia, experimental policies which combine various initiatives are being deployed in the model district of Sakhalin Province. We will discuss Japan-Russia cooperation directed at a decarbonized society, referring specifically to activities at these regional levels.
TOLPAROV Alexander, Deputy Director, Department of External Economic Relations and Energy Market Development, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Born in 1976. First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2001-2014.
Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in 2014-2018. Has served in current role since 2019.

A PowerPoint file will not be used.

AOYAMA Nobuaki, Chairman, Planning & Operation Committee, Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W)

Born in 1954. Graduated in Law, Hitotsubashi University. Held numerous positions at Nippon Steel Corporation and Nippon Steel Engineering Corporation (subsidiary) between April 1977 and June
2020. Procurement Manager, Civil Eng. and Marine Construction Div. (1992-95); Group Leader, IPP Business Development Group, Engineering Div. (1995-99); General Manager, Overseas Business
Development for Energy related facilities & Pipelines (1999-2002); Project Director, Sakhalin Phase1 EPC-2 Pipeline Project for ExxonMobil, Russia (2002-07). Director, Offshore Business Unit2, Civil Eng. & Marine Construction Div., (2007-08). Director, Energy Facilities/Pipelines Business Unit, 2008-2010. Deputy Director, Marketing & Sales Div. (2010-11). Director, Overseas Business Development Strategy Planning Center (2011-14). Managing Director, Strategy Planning Center (2014-16), and Executive Advisor, (2016-2020). Has served in current role since 2016.


GETTS Evgeniy, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Digital and Technological Developments of Sakhalin Region

Born in 1976. Graduated in Physics, Krasnoyarsk State University. Chief Inspector, Krasnoyarsk Customs in 2000. Lead Manager, JSC ISS Reshetnev Company in 2003. Lead Manager, External Economic Activity, ISS Reshetnev Company in 2008. Zheleznogorsk City Project Development Manager, Krasnoyarsk Region “Krasnoyarsk Region Innovative and Technological Business Incubator (KRITBI)” in 2014. Association of Economic Cooperation “Innovative Technologies
Cluster in the Zheleznogorsk Closed City (ZATO)” in 2015. General Manager, Research and Development Center, ISS Reshetnev Company LLC in 2012-2020. Has served in current role since September 2020.

Cluster of Hydrogen Technologies in Sakhalin Region

TANAKA Kento, Director, Business Establishment and Innovation Promotion Office, Department of Industry and Labor, Niigata Prefectural Government

Born in 1989. Graduated in Economics, University of Tokyo. Joined Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau in 2012. Engaged in Corporate Affairs Division. Pursued in New and Renewable Energy Division, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. Master of Public Policy at UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs in 2017. Transferred to Niigata Prefectural Government in 2019 and continues in this role.

Promotion of Renewable and Next Generation Energy in Niigata

ENKHBAYAR Shagdar, Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, ERINA
Closing Remarks
KAWAI Masahiro, Chairperson, NICE Executive Committee; Representative Director, ERINA