This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

Day1 FY2022 NICE

  Day1   1 December 2022 (Thursday)  10:30-18:00(JST)   


Method: Online Delivery (Zoom)
Simultaneous Interpretation Available (JP, EN, CN)


     10:30-11:00 (JST) Opening Addresses      
Organizers’ Welcome Addresses
, Governor of Niigata Prefecture
NAKAHARA Yaichi, Mayor, City of Niigata
KAWAI Masahiro, Chairperson, NICE Executive Committee
Guest Addresses
,Director, Japan-Russia Economic Affairs Division, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
, Principal Deputy Director, Northeast Asia Division, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
      11:00-12:00 (JST) Special Address      
Chairperson, Miyamoto Institute of Asian Research

Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the People’s Republic of China
He entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1969. He served as Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Division, the Director of China and Mongolia Division, Research Associate of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Consul General of Japan in Atlanta, Director-General of the Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Bureau, Ambassador to Myanmar, and Ambassador to China between 2006 and 2010

Japan’s Role in an Increasingly Divided World
[in Japanese]
                                                                                                                 (*Online participant)
      13:30-15:30 (JST) Economic Security Session      
“Can We Avoid Division of the Global Economy?
 ̶ Economy and Security in Times of Crisis”
Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo
Graduated the Dept. of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University. Received Ph.D. from Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex, England. Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba in 2000-2008, and Professor of International Politics, Hokkaido University until 2020. Served as an expert in the Panel of Experts for Iranian Sanctions Committee under the United Nations Security Council in 2013-2015. President of Japan Association of International Security and Trade, and Director of the Institute of Geoeconomics at International House of Japan.

New Order Brought about by Economic Security
[in Japanese]
SOLIS Mireya
Director, Center for East Asia Policy Studies (CEAP), the Brookings Institution
Obtained M.A. in Regional Studies-East Asia, Harvard University in 1991. Received Ph.D. Government Dept, Harvard University in 1998. Knight Chair in Japan Studies, Senior Fellow Foreign Policy Program, Brookings Institution since August 2012. Director, Center for East Asian Policy Studies, Brookings Institution since July 2018. Under the leadership of the Vice President for Foreign Policy, manages the premier center for policy relevant scholarship on East Asia and U.S. policy towards the region. Responsibilities include advice on research priorities and dissemination strategies for policy analysis and prescription, fundraising, and administration. Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize Book award for Dilemmas of a Trading Nation in 2018. Membership of International Advisory Board, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), etc.

U.S.-China Strategic Competition: Implications for Asian Geoeconomics
YANG Bojiang*
Director-General, Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Professor and doctoral supervisor, serves as Director-General, the Institute of Japanese Studies, and Director, Research Center for East China Sea Studies, CASS; Executive Vice President, the Chinese Association of Japanese Studies; Vice President, the Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies, and Executive Council member, Pacific Society of China (PSC). Visiting scholar at Fairbank Research Center, Harvard University, Brookings Institution, the Japan Forum on International Relations and the National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA). Academic interests include relations among major powers in the Asia-Pacific region, Northeast Asia and Japan.

Promoting High Quality Development through High-level External Openings
[in Japanese]
                                                                                                               (*Online participant)
HATTORI Michitaka
Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Graduated the Dept. of Russian Language, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1989. Earned M.A. at the Graduate School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University in 1995. Earned Ph.D. at Graduate School of Humanities (Slavic-Eurasian Studies), Hokkaido University in December 2017. Researcher, Japan Association for Trade with Soviet Union & Socialist Countries of Europe; and Economic Research Institute for Soviet Union and Socialist Countries of Europe (currently Japan Association for Trade with Russia & NIS (ROTOBO); and Institute for Russian and NIS Economic Studies) in 1989. Researcher, Embassy of Japan in Belarus in April 1998-March 2001. Assistant Manager, Research Division Director, Vice-Director of ROTOBO; and Institute for Russian & NIS Economic Studies. Director of ROTOBO; and Institute for Russian & NIS Economic Studies. Has served in current role since October 2022.

Russia’s Trading Performance under Sanctions

[in Japanese]
KAWAI Masahiro
Chairperson, NICE Executive Committee; Representative Director, ERINA
      15:45-17:45 (JST) Agriculture and Food Session      
“Outlook for Agricultural Trade and Implications for Northeast Asia”
Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Obtained Ph.D. in Economics at Iowa State University in 1982. Prior to joining IFPRI in 2015, spent nearly 25 years at the World Bank, heading the Research Team on Agriculture and Rural Development for 6 years. Research included edited volumes on the implications of the Uruguay Round for developing countries; the implications of China’s accession to the WTO; and the potential impacts of a Doha Development Agenda. His analysis of the 2007-8 food price shock highlighted the impacts of this crisis for the poor and shaped the World Bank’s policy response. Current research includes mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture; and the role of income growth and price changes on nutritional outcomes. His research has been cited almost 17,000 times (Google Scholar). Former President of the International Association of Agricultural Economists and Fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.

Impacts of Price Insulation on World Wheat Markets
Research Counselor, Norinchukin Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Earned M.A. in Agricultural Economics at The University of Tokyo in 1992 and joined Norinchukin Research Institute. Gained Ph.D. in Agronomy at University of Tokyo in 2004. Part-time Lecturer, Waseda University in 2007-2010, 2012, 2014, 2016-2019 and University of Tokyo in 2015-2016 and 2020.

Japan’s Dependency on Imports of Food and Food Security

[in Japanese]
TANG Zhong*
Professor, Renmin University of China
Distinguished Professor and scholar of Renmin University. Graduated the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Southwest Agricultural University in 1985, and the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Renmin University in 1988. Earned Ph.D. in Economics from the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Renmin University in 1995. Selected into the “Hundred Talents Project” for young scholars of social science theoretics in Beijing, 1998.
Consultant, 8th Beijing Municipal Government Expert Advisory Group in 2000-2013. Fulbright research scholar at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in 2003-2004. Director, Institute of Land Economics of Renmin University; Chairman of the National Agricultural Economics Management Professional Teaching Steering Committee of China’s Ministry of Education since 2003. Founding Director, Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) in 2006-2013. President, Beijing Agricultural Economics Association in 2007-2017. Member, Central Agricultural Office Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Rural Revitalization Expert Advisory Committee and Vice president, China Agricultural Economics Association since 2019. Vice President, China Foreign Agricultural Economics Research Association since 2012. Honorary President, Beijing Agricultural Economics Society. Secretary, Party Committee, School of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2019-2020.

China’s Agricultural Trade in 2000-2021                                                                                                                                                      (*Online participant)
YAU Benjamin
Director, Japan, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
Born in Hong Kong. Graduated from the University of Cambridge. Completed a 1-year program at Waseda University, Japan, before joining the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) in 2001. Possesses a broad international mindset. Has over 20 years’ experience in connecting Hong Kong with international business communities. Specializes in the Northeast Asian region, including work stints in Japan in 2007-2011 and ROK for 5 years. Presently Secretary General of the Japan-Hong Kong Society.

Outlook for Agricultural Trade and Implications for Northeast Asia Case Study – Hong Kong as a major destination for Japan Agricultural Exports
OGURI Fumiya
Senior Manager, Accenture Japan Ltd
Graduated the Dept. of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 2008. Earned Master’s degree, Dept. of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, and entered Accenture Japan Ltd in 2010. Engaged in the issues of government and local civil service, finance and banking, education, and smart cities. Active in overseas research, planning export strategy planning and export support service for exporting Japanese agricultural products and foods starting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries “Export Strategy Execution Project” in 2014. Executive from startup to management in the Global Farmer/Fisherman/Forestry/Food Manufacturer Project (GFP).

Possibility of Exporting Agricultural Products from Japan/Niigata with A View on International Food Supply and Demand

 [in Japanese]
ARAI Hirofumi
Director and Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, ERINA
      17:45-18:00 (JST) Closing Remarks      
KAWAI Masahiro
Chairperson, NICE Executive Committee; Representative Director, ERINA