This is the archived site of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) dissolved on 31 March 2023

The Third Energy and Environment Dialogue in Khabarovsk


Vyacheslav SHPORT Governor of Khabarovsky Krai
Hirohiko IZUMIDA Governor of Niigata Prefecture
Toshikazu MASUYAMA Director, Policy Planning Division, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Japan
Susumu YOSHIDA Honorary Chairman (ERINA)
Yasuhiko SHIMIZU Deputy Consul General, Consulate-General of Japan in Khabarovsk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Keynote Address

Alexander LEVINTAL Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District PDF[3.03MB](in Russian)
Hirohiko IZUMIDA Governor of Niigata Prefecture PDF[1.31MB](in Russian)
Toshikazu MASUYAMA Director, Policy Planning Division, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Japan PDF[2MB]
Boris SANEEV Deputy Director, Institute of Energy Systems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences PDF[2.18MB]
Kotaro HARA Director, Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus Office Trade Policy Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan PDF[1.55MB]
Vladimir LINYOV Engineering Director, OOO RN-Komsomolsk Oil Refinery, OAO Rosneft PDF[1.35MB]
Masumi MOTOMURA Chief Researcher, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation PDF[1.88MB]
Alexei BONDAR Designated Representative, Federal State Institution «Russian Energy Agency», Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District PDF[2.09MB]
Jun MATSUMURA Deputy Head, Energy and Natural Resources Finance Department, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) PDF[563KB]

Session 1: Natural Gas Cooperation

* Moderators *

Boris SANEEV Deputy Director, Energy Systems Institute (ESI), Siberian Branch of the Russian. Academy of Sciences
Susumu YOSHIDA Honorary Chairman (ERINA)
Alexei MASTEPANOV Advisor to the Vice Chairman of the Board, OAO Gazprom PDF[9016MB]
Kazuhiko OHASHI Senior Advisor, Nippon Steel Engineering PDF[1.56MB]
Akihiro YOKOCHI Senior Fellow, ERINA PDF[634KB]
Igor SVETLOV Director, Far Eastern Center for Strategic Studies of Fuel Energy Complex Development
Kenichi NAKAMURA and Masatoshi SUZUKI Methanol & DME Project Division, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company PDF[1.7MB]

Session 2: Coal Cooperation

* Moderators *

Pavel KOROVKO Director, Far Eastern Branch, Energy Forecasting Agency
Susumu YOSHIDA Honorary Chairman (ERINA)
Hirofumi EBATA Assistant General Manager, Coal Department, Sumitomo Corporation PDF[532KB]
Oleg PERTSOVSKY Director, Strategy, Risk Management and Corporate Development Department, ОАО SUEK PDF[2.81MB]

Session 3: Energy Cooperation

* Moderators *

Alexei MASTEPANOV Advisor to the Vice Chairman of the Board, OAO Gazprom
Susumu YOSHIDA Honorary Chairman (ERINA)
Pavel KOROVKO Director, Far Eastern Branch, Energy Forecasting Agenc
Shozo HAMADA Senior Technology Coordination Manager, International Science and Technology Center(ISTC) PDF[706KB]
Alexei GAVRILOV Director General, OAO Far Eastern Wind-Power Engineering  PDF[1.5MB]
Sergei KANEV Director General, Khabarovsk Energy and Resource Conservation Center  –
Alexander SOLONITSYN Director, Research and Development Center, Local Power Network, OOO NP Gidrotex  PDF[1.54MB]